TRY Scuba/ Discovery Scuba Diving
Have you always wondered what is like to breath underwater? If you want to try scuba diving but are not quite ready to take a certification course discovery scuba diving is for you. This program is a quick and easy introduction to what it takes to explore the underwater world. Sign up for a discovery scuba diving experience you must be at least 10 years old and be in physical health. During this programme you will learn the basic safety guidelines and skills needed to dive under the direct supervision of a dive Professional. Get ready to: Go over the scuba equipment you use to dive and how easy it is to move around underwater with your gear. Find out what it's like to breathe underwater. Learn key skills that you'll use during every scuba dive. Have fun swimming around and exploring the underwater world.
TRY Scuba/ Bubblemaker
from 8-10yrs age
Bubblemaker is as fun as it sounds - a chance for kids to blow bubbles by scuba diving. Children who are at least 8 years old can use scuba gear to breathe underwater and swim around in shallow water. Kids must be comfortable in the water, but no prior experience is necessary. Parental approval is required on site, dry land, not necessary to dive along.
Bubble makers get a chance to:
• Experience scuba diving under the direct care and supervision of a dive professional.
• Take their first breaths underwater in water shallow as 2 metres/6 feet.
• Learn about and use scuba diving equipment made for children - not adults.
• Have lots of fun!!!